

Convenient Windows equivalent to tail -f logfile?

SnakeTail is a Windows tail program that can monitor and search log files. Log Expert is another good alternative.

Reading Live Logs Tailing in Windows

Hover your mouse over said icon, it will say Monitoring (tail -f). Click this icon to begin viewing the log live as entries are added.

Tailing Log Files on Windows

I regularly want to tail the log file to watch it as it starts up or to see the log in action when I am testing something.


而在windows上,也可以透過powershell有相同的指令。 範例如下```shell= get-content -tail 10 -wait .-HUB_APP.log ``` * -tail -<num-> : 表示要顯示檔案最後幾行的 ...


log. 2.2 读取最后10行. Get-Content -Tail 10 xxx.log. 2.3 读取并监视文件更新. Get-Content -Tail 10 -Wait xxx.log. 参阅文档 =================

Is there an equivalent of tail -f on Windows?

Yes. you can use tail on windows, which is a small price to pay to get access to a lot of GNU-tools on windows as well as tail.

A Windows equivalent of the Unix tail command

I'm looking for the equivalent of the Unix 'tail' command that will allow me to watch the output of a log file while it is being written to.

How to tail logs with Windows PowerShell

This is a simple command to just get the last 10 lines of text in a file: Get-Content [path-to-textfile.txt] -tail 10

Log Tail with PowerShell

I needed a way to monitor the output of the Dynamics CRM trace log file and stupidly went GoogleBing-ing for a tail equivalent application for Windows.

Using Powershell to tail log files

You can use powershell to tail log files. It's a bit slow for larger files, and sometimes it will stop tailing and you have to restart the command, but it ...